Part-time work & Job search
There are lots of ways to find jobs...​
Use filters on job websites and view only part-time or flexible
Drop a CV into local shops and restaurants - this can show you have initiative and motivation!
Look at your local high street and visit websites for those shops and businesses. Identify their 'jobs' or 'careers' pages, usually there is a link at the bottom of the homepage.
Ask friends and family for tips and contacts
Check out the key links in 'Other resources' below
Need some inspiration?
The Student Room has lots of case studies of students who have worked part-time during their studies in high street shops, supermarkets and fast food chains.
A few important bits to be aware of...
Some adverts are not for legitimate jobs, sometimes this is for agency work that is pretending to be an actual employer and particularly be extra cautious if they ask for a photo or the job sounds too good to be true. Do your research on the company
It is generally not recommended to do more than 12 hours a week paid work during study
You should know your rights, as well as the tax which you may have to pay if you earn over a certain amount and the minimum wage relevant to your age
If you are going to an interview alone then let someone know when and where you are going
If you would like to discuss your Part-time work & Job search, speak with your personal tutor or an adviser from the Careers and Employability team.
Other resources
General websites​​ local government jobs clinical and admin jobs NHS
Employment agencies​
London's Top 30 employment agencies